Monday, 2 May 2016



Things to take from the discussion:
We had similar issues/obstacles throughout the year - YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The powerpoint could use this, in that the audience will have shared knowledge and understanding of your situation. Make it about something we all recognise but show how YOU have resolved it (top tips etc).

Roughing was something all of our work benefited from - Jamie suggested that our powerpoints could compare the difference between a brief where you roughed and one that you didn't - VISUALLY SHOW THE BENEFITS.

Meg and I studied on the same Foundation course so we had seen each other's work before joining this course
It's so interesting to see how we have both moved on since Foundation, but that the work we are doing now did have roots in that year we spent together. I saw her starting to play with print for the first time, her work starting to get a little darker and she has seen my interest in model-making grow from the glove puppets and marionettes I made in our Foundation studio.

Some of the group hadn't started sketchbooking yet - START MOVING. We will have complete freedom of time to dedicate to PPP next week so USE YOUR TIME WISELY.

Feedback on my intentions:
Being interested = being interesting
Discussion of realisation of understanding of illustration beyond 2D
Consider idea of world-creation for diagram.

Kyle had a similar change of path - IT IS NOT A CONSCIOUS DECISION, the interests/foundations existed before - it is a REALISATION.

Kate wanted to go into Children's books too?!! So did Meg AND Kat! WE NEED TO CHANGE THE OUTLOOK ON WHAT ILLUSTRATION IS. THIS IDEA THAT IT IS JUST KIDS' BOOKS CAN BE DAMAGING TO OUR REPRESENTATION AND CAREER. Something to think about and redefine.

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