Saturday, 27 January 2018

Website Further Developments: Video, cut-out characters...

Using my favourite outcome from 601 to introduce myself on the website: the video 'maker as magician' in which I am shown working in my studio, making dolls and casting spells.

My fiance James has been making the website under my direction, and even though we started 'simple', thinking that it 'just needs to point to social media/be a portfolio of work' it has morphed into something much bigger but much better. Collaborating with James has been really useful because I wouldn't have had a clue as to how to make any of this work. As a result, I have a really immersive and exciting website that reflects me as an outgoing, individual practitioner.

As you scroll down the page, I wanted my characters to 'pop out' and meet the visitor. Although this website would probably be visited mostly by clients, I wanted to make it suitable for a child audience and suited to the charming children's book tone of voice that recurs in my work. The pop-out characters make the site really engaging and friendly, something different to the sea of conventional sites of portfolios out there. Standing out a little bit!

It does still need some work. I'm not sure on the colours and the featured work thumbnails don't all sit well within their formats, some are cropped or only show part of the image so I need to consider and select images which work well in this format. They can be clicked to see the full image but it looks odd to have just the body of Jack Skellington on the second thumbnail.

The purple is very garish! And not a colour I use often in my work.

We had the idea of including a fairy with an envelope, delivering mail for the contact page but this was a really rushed photograph and looks very rough compared to the other two characters. She looks a bit out of place. She's just a placeholder for now anyway.

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