Thursday, 29 June 2017

'Twas the Night before the Exhibition

The gallery/exhibition/fine art context
and why I struggle with it
PRICING IS SO HARD because I am so very cheap and I don't want to charge outlandish amounts, mainly because I don't think it's worth it and I'm not that interested in the money.
I keep being asked what I'm most driven by for this show and it's not making money or selling art or even really getting more commissions/work. I just want to have a show and for my art to be there and for people to see it and feel the magic.

My audience is children
which is great because at Newby Hall there's an adventure playground and all sorts of whimsical, explorative child friendly events
so my art fits in well for children to stop and look and play and wonder
it's the parents and grandparents etc who have the money - gatekeepers - and I don't want to make work for them. It's for the kids and I don't know whether framed prints is really what a child wants or whether that's just because it's the CONVENTIONS of a gallery and an exhibition. It's what's expected.

This place is a really renowned and classy estate... world class gardens, beautiful architecture, big events. It's a national treasure and it really is an honour to exhibit here but I think the work I've made has been made FOR this event and FOR this place. It's been made to fit into the scene and to pander to the audience of quite well off families who may visit. 

I prefer the idea of children/audiences coming to EXPERIENCE and PLAY WITH the art rather than to look at it in a glass cabinet and buy it
that a point that was made to me in PPP feedback about choosing between commercial doll making and theatrical performance might have been realised...

I'd rather charge people for coming into a space, to experience the art and have a good time than to make things for them to buy. 

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